Facebook Marketing




 :: Facebook Marketing Proposal. ::

Facebook marketing and social media marketing – facebook is an essential tool to connect with existing and potential customers and build long-term relationships that generate repeat business. Having a branded presence on Facebook is no longer optional – it is a must! We have put together a package especially for Singaporean to help make it easy for you to not only connect with your target market on Facebook but to continue to add value through automated emails.

The overall strategy helps to:

- Encourage people to LIKE your Facebook page
- Encourage (through reward) to enter their name/email
- Encourage through email to contact your office 

What happens when someone LIKE my Page?
- They will see your Post's on their Newsfeed
- Their Friends on Facebook will see that they Liked your Page
- They can suggest your Page to their Friends
- It allows them to communicate with you in a way they enjoy


Facebook Marketing

It is a well-known fact that Facebook has become a major source of online marketing in the present scenario. So, this social networking site has the capacity to take the business to the global level. Therefore, the significance of Facebook marketing has been increased a lot in the recent times. With the help of Facebook pages and profiles, you can easily attract the visitors towards your websites.

Apart from advertisement of products on Facebook, it is also a great medium to enhance your website ranking. Facebook is unquestionably one of the best targets of search engines, which helps you a lot in getting a good ranking of search engines. But, as a matter of the fact, it may not be feasible for you to manage the Facebook advertisements yourselves. You have no need to worry now as we provide the solutions social media marketing – Facebook. You can contact us for social media advertisement and our dedicated staff will work for you.


Call 6896 6308 for more information